
Continuing Organ Playing After a Long Break

Numerous organists subsequent to playing the organ for certain years for different reasons quit rehearsing. They quit playing as a result of the adjustments in their lives, for example, moving to an alternate territory, beginning a family, getting another line of work and so forth. The entirety of this adds to the absence of time, inspiration, practice instrument and an individual just does not keep playing the organ. Be that as it may, significantly after numerous long stretches of quiet the individual in question can feel the restored enthusiasm for the organ.

dan organ

  • Do not rehearse for significant stretches of time from the outset. In spite of the fact that you may have used to play the organ for a few hours every day, I do not prescribe you hop in and continue the training similarly. You need to understand that while your inspiration and enthusiasm for the organ may be equivalent to 10, 20, or 30 years prior, your stamina is not. Likewise, your body probably would not care for sitting similarly situated for quite a long time. In this manner, I think it is ideal to open yourself to organ playing continuously. Begin rehearsing with only 30 minutes per day. Along these lines you will stay away from overexertion which is not solid. The most significant thing about your training is that it ought to be ordinary. You will accomplish more on the off chance that you practice for 30 minutes consistently than for 3 hours just once every week. Obviously, with experience you can rehearse for an hour or considerably more yet particularly long practice meetings ought to be maintained a strategic distance from.
  • Choose simple pieces first. Albeit in the wake of continuing organ playing you may have plans to get familiar with your preferred actually propelled organ pieces, you ought to know about your present specialized capacities dan organ. Recall that after years without rehearsing organ your level is not the equivalent any longer. Because you may have played and taken in some propelled level pieces years back does not mean you will have the option to play comparable ones immediately. Along these lines, I propose you do not get your organ practice where you left previously. Rather, play some shorter and simpler creations from the outset.

These could be works with dainty surface, more slow beat, basic melodic lines and rhythms and long note-values in the pedal part or even manualiter works.  Your training time may be the equivalent for each day of the week or you can save various occasions for various days. Whatever you pick, make it steady. At that point you should simply to adhere to your arrangement and follow your timetable steadily.

Published by John Grochowski